

Figuring out how to navigate life as a Navy spouse and homeschool our three kids. Sometimes, at the end of the day, all I can manage to do is make pancakes for supper...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Slaying The Laundry Monster

I hate doing laundry, not the washing so much but folding laundry is my nemesis chore. I appreciate clean folded clothes that are organized but actually getting them to that point is another beast entirely. Meet Laundry Monster, he's been living in our "dining" room for probably 6 weeks. He has varied in size as we wear and wash clothes just dumping them back on him to grow and morph into this mess you see. Not only was all this laundry set to be folded I also needed to sort through all the kids clothes that they've outgrown and finally ditch all my maternity clothes. I sorted out three BIG bags of stuff to give away! I also needed a plan and thanks to the Fly Lady came up with a plan for my laundry room and how to approach the laundry in a totally different way. Things will get folded right out of the dryer, the kids have their own baskets, and I'm going to hang up everything that can be hung up. It'll be quicker and it will keep the clothes from getting the wrinkled spent weeks in a basket look. It took probably 4 solid hours of work to go through my closet and deal with this pile and the laundry room but I'm done! Still a few things to hang up but what a good feeling to have a plan!

This is the laundry room before. I can't imagine why I didn't want to spend any time in there...

Work in progress. Notice the how the monster is no longer visible...

Laundry room after. Yes, that is now my laundry angel on the wall.

And the monster is VANQUISHED!!! (Please ignore the scattering of toys. I was conquering laundry not the toy monster.....)

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