

Figuring out how to navigate life as a Navy spouse and homeschool our three kids. Sometimes, at the end of the day, all I can manage to do is make pancakes for supper...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dog Poop In A Tree

About 2 months ago I was outside with the kids picking up after the dog. Being a typical 5 year old, Aiden took it upon himself to try and fling one of the tied up bags of poop over the fence. I didn't actually witness said flinging I just got the:

"Uh, Mom?"

"What Aiden."

"Well, ummm."

"Aiden, what is it???"

"Yeah, there's dog poop in the tree."

And lo and behold there, three fourths of the way up the oak tree in our back yard, was a bag of dog poop. After a brief moment of disbelief I started laughing, and I mean the cross your legs so you don't pee laugh. This was about a week after I had starting taking Zoloft and it was the first time I'd laughed that hard in ages. I'm sure all of you are wondering what happened then. Not being all that heroic, I simply decided to leave it there, I was fairly certain that the next strong wind would bring it down. It didn't. Several rain storms, windy days and approximately 2 months later my husband looked out the window and said:

"Why is there a bag in the tree?"

"It's the dog poop."

"You didn't get that out!!!!!!?????"

"Nope, it was way high up there."

"What about the BB gun?"

"Go ahead."

So he and Aiden headed out for the man job of shooting the dog poop down. After several hits it remained stubbornly clinging to the branch and Aiden came in to finish his supper, it's hard to believe a single bag of poop had withstood such harassment from the elements and now a small caliber weapon to remain aloft for so long. The following day, yesterday, Aiden was out in the yard for awhile with the dog playing sharpshooter or something along those lines. After about 2o minutes he came in and very calmly said:

"The dog poop fell out of the tree."

"It did??? What did you do with it."

"I flung it over the fence, and I got it WAY BACK THERE this time."

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