

Figuring out how to navigate life as a Navy spouse and homeschool our three kids. Sometimes, at the end of the day, all I can manage to do is make pancakes for supper...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Seemed Appropriate

I haven't blogged in awhile but since we had pancakes for supper tonight it seemed like an opportune time to "get back on the horse" so to speak. My life has been full of getting my man child off to school, adjusting to gluten free living and starting a home business!  In my free time (the oodles of it that I have) I'm still running/walking and trying not to melt in this heat.  I feel like it's been hot since February and there is no end in sight.  I would love a cool Pacific Grove morning with a latte in hand chatting with friends at Caledonia Park.  Oh California how I miss thee!!!

Okay, so tonight was pancakes for supper. The fridge is all but empty and I wanted something easy that everyone (hopefully) would eat. It was actually my first go at gluten free pancakes and with the help of some Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Pancake Mix I whipped up a batch. After a major bread debacle that involved throwing two loaves of utterly inedible bread in the trash and a nearly as unpleasant birthday cake for my wee baby's first birthday I was a little skeptical that 1) the pancakes would be good 2) that my kids would eat them. Not only did my kids eat them, they LOVED them.  My 3 year old ate four decent sized pancakes and I, in my desperation for normal tasting baked goods, ate well, more than I should have.  BUT THEY WERE SO STINKING YUMMY!  I doused mine in organic butter from grass fed cows and molasses and was in heaven.  All that was lacking was an icy cold glass of milk but I can't really do dairy and I just couldn't stomach the almond milk.

My other news of note is that I'm working as an Independent Consultant for Arbonne International. Arbonne has AMAZING skin care, make-up, and health and wellness products the vast majority of which are gluten free. I've had a fantastic opening month and I'm really excited to have a vision for myself and our family.  Not only do I adore the skin care products but I've been using their health products to support my weight loss journey (31 lbs total lost so far!) Check out my website!

The kiddos are good.  We just celebrated our youngest turning one! This past year has been long in many ways but it seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital.  The eldest is in school now, with the Hashimoto's and my husbands crazy work schedule coming up it was just too much to homeschool him and give it the focus needed to feel like he was getting what he needed. He's really enjoying being in a classroom and having other kids to play with, he bickers with his sister somewhat less than usual now...  Our days are settling into a good routine and it's been good to get more one on one time with the middle child. She tends to be, shall we say, somewhat strong willed and I think her getting more dedicated time with me is helping her immensely.  

As everything is leveling out I plan to get back to blogging again on a more regular basis.  But anyway, I'm back! 

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