

Figuring out how to navigate life as a Navy spouse and homeschool our three kids. Sometimes, at the end of the day, all I can manage to do is make pancakes for supper...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekly Weigh In 4/8/11


That's my word to sum up this past week. I felt "blah" in pretty much every area of my life this week. I was a blah parent and wife and I just felt blah about myself. On Tuesday I did my workout and decided it'd be a great idea to push myself a little bit and the result was on Thursday when I did my Couch to 5 K training I had a good bit of knee pain. It's isolated to the front of my right knee and only hurts when I try to run on it and go downstairs. Any advice from my physical therapist friends??? I'm hoping I just did more than I should have with so much weight to still lose and that taking a break from the running until Monday will make it all better.

I did my weigh in yesterday and I'm down another pound for a grand total of 12 lbs in 3 weeks! Again, not what I was hoping for but it's a healthy pace. Dad lost 3 lbs so he's ahead now by 2 lbs. Gotta step up my game. (Excuse me for a moment, my 2 year old just walked out the door.) Things I plan to implement this week: Working out first thing, before breakfast and coffee. Solidifying my resistance training plan. Using my new Vitamix blender for even better smoothies and adding green drinks to my diet plan.

Actually have a good bit going on this weekend and week. This weekend we need to finish getting toys organized and put away and I need to slay the laundry monster. I hired a cleaning service to come on Tuesday, I broke down and admitted I can't do it all alone. I CAN'T wait! The laundry is sure to be an epic battle and I will post before and after pictures. We're also looking forward to my mother-in-law coming for a visit on Tuesday, I got lucky when it comes to in-laws and we have a great relationship. It'll be great to have some company while the hubs is gone. Emma has a plethora of appointments coming up too. Urology on Monday, dermatologist again on Thursday, orthopedic next Monday and both kids finally have their first dental appointments on the 28th. My parents are coming for Easter and somewhere in there I'm hoping to see my awesome friend Tracy if she can make it down here! So actually this month should pass pretty quickly and this summer should be awesome with my older brother and his family being here from Hawaii for quite a bit of it.

Time to get ready to go check out a local farmers market, I just need to drag Aiden away from the epic nerf battle he's been having for the last 3 hours.

1 comment:

  1. Still, a pound's a pound -- four (count them) FOUR sticks of butter, a box of sugar, a pint of peanut butter . . . You go girl!
