

Figuring out how to navigate life as a Navy spouse and homeschool our three kids. Sometimes, at the end of the day, all I can manage to do is make pancakes for supper...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Back On The Treadmill Again

There are a couple things that I'm really bad at. Never give me anything to mail, you will never see it again. I'm very very VERY bad at following through and finishing things, I'm super at starting things, but the finishing, not so much. Some of you may remember my weight loss blog from a couple of summers ago, I looked at it yesterday, then I looked in the mirror. Depressing. I have intended for one of my topics on here to be my seemingly never ending weight loss saga. My weight has been something I have struggled with since time began. There are times in my life where I have felt and looked great but I've had very little staying power. I lost about 27 lbs right off the bat when Madaline was born and then I hit a plateau and there I have stayed for 6 months. I think I have officially gone from it being "baby weight" to just being fat. Of course my inclination is to do two things: spend a lot of money on an X Box 360 Kinect and gorge on ice cream. What I brought myself to to instead was break out the workout clothes (GAG! They're hideous.) and weigh and measure myself. (Insert dramatic da dum dum music here.) First of all, props to my husband, the man still loves me even when he married this:

But has been living with this:

All I can think is that I look like either a pear or Mrs. Potato Head. I also don't know why I have my eyebrows raised so high in both pictures but that's not important right now. Here are the vital stats, numbers that until today I didn't even have the courage to find out for myself much less tell the world.

Weight: 236 lbs
Bust: 44 in
Waist: 45 in
Hip: 51.5 in
Arm: 14.25 in
Thigh: 29 in
Calf: 17 in

Now, what am I going to actually do about this. Well, I started by getting back on the treadmill today. I got one little bitty mile in but I did it and I threw in some mild resistance training too. I have a LONG way to go. I'm pretty disgusted with myself at the moment at what I have let myself become. Here is my plan, at least to get started, and I'll modify as necessary.

I will also be adding in weights or working with resistance bands at least twice a week and also interspersing with Wii Fit. I'm going to keep a food journal. Weigh in will be on Friday so I will blog my weight loss progress and an updates on Sunday for how the week went overall.

PLEASE feel free to encourage and keep me accountable, here we go again!!!

As an aside, how freaking cute are these kids?


  1. Okay - so first of all - do NOT beat yourself up! I have found that since I have come home to work two years ago, I have also put on a significant amount of weight - at least for what I am used to weighing so that I am no longer comfortable in my own skin. It is so easy to neglect yourself when there are chores to be done & children to take care of. The food journal has been the best thing I did - it only lasted two weeks - but in those two weeks, I was able to lose about 5 pounds. Yeah - I gotta start that food journal back! An accountability partner may be good for you as well! I know it is VERY hard for me to work out without a friend to talk with. Anyway - stay motivated and encouraged! Feel free to vent & reach out to your friends for help!

  2. If your treadmill is co-located with at TV, that will help a lot. Pick a show that you like that lasts about an hour (I used X-Files), and then just go--that way, instead of just watching TV, you are getting benefit as well. It IS possible, and yes, eating right has a TON to do with it. When I left Japan I had gotten up to 220+, the biggest of my life. After 3 months of cardio and calorie control while deployed, I was back down to 185 (too light, in fact... now I'm around 195-200). Even now, the hardest thing for me is NOT snacking. Don't worry about your running speed or distance; time is the biggest factor. You can walk at about 4.0 MPH on the treadmill at about a 5 degree incline and burn nearly as many calories as running on a flat surface. You can do it!

  3. Joy, I applaud your transparency and determination to see this through to the end. I, too, am notorious for starting things and not finishing. I read a book (Elizabeth George, perhaps?) that encouraged women to "finish fully", whether it meant washing that final pot on the stove before bedtime or folding the laundry before crawling into bed. I just took an exercise DVD out of the player, put it back in its case, and shook my head--when will I have time to exercise?! I tip my hat to you, Joy, as you put yourself first each day in your quest for health. Kyle and I were addicted to M&Ms, so I stopped buying them (sounds easy, but it's tough to pass them by in the store!). Also, I try to look at the serving size of snacks (i.e. chips, crackers, dried fruit), and put that amount in a separate bowl, box up the container & put it back in the cabinet, and then enjoy my snack. Just two tips...but then there's that bowl of ice cream I still crave every night. Know you have a listening ear and a cheerleader in this VA corner. Love, Susan

  4. First off your wedding picture is beautiful, second you have three kids in which you did not have these three kids when you got married so take it easy. Second, it's the baby steps that have the greatest amount of success when it comes to weight loss always remember that. A little at a time and it stays off, alot at a time and it comes back. Third, I love to work out at home but I found that when I joined the YMCA (kicking and screaming by the way) but I did it for not just me, it's great for the kids (being homeschooled as well) because they get a break from me and get to make new friends and I get two hours to work out worry free, and it's affordable, who can pay 15 dollars a month for two hours of babysitting. (of course that is on top of membership but they have a great discount for military) Also you make new friends. Good luck with your goal and remember something is always better then nothing.
