

Figuring out how to navigate life as a Navy spouse and homeschool our three kids. Sometimes, at the end of the day, all I can manage to do is make pancakes for supper...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Child's Eyes

This is a picture of the lovely power plant we can see from our upstairs. We pass it when we head to the zoo so it's often a topic of conversation. Up until about 5 minutes ago when I googled a picture of it I thought it was nuclear, it's not. They are two separate plants, one coal and the other natural gas. That, however, has nothing relevant to do with this post. When I look at these plants Mordor often comes to mind. Both are also near the shipping yards, an area of scenery that is about as far from scenic as you can get. I often miss the coastline of Monterey when I see them out the car window.

ANYWAY, on a recent trip to the zoo we were playing, "Who can be the first to spot______?" It was a particularly clear day with a deep blue sky. As I was scanning for new things for the kids to find Thing 2 (names changed to protect the innocent) piped up from behind me, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy! Wook, they are COOKING THE CLOUDS!!!" The excitement in her sweet voice brought delight to my heart and laughter pouring out. When I saw these power plants I saw an eyesore, a blight on the already not so picturesque landscape. When my precious 2 year old saw them she saw a magic tower that was cooking the clouds, pouring huge white billows of them into the sky.

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