

Figuring out how to navigate life as a Navy spouse and homeschool our three kids. Sometimes, at the end of the day, all I can manage to do is make pancakes for supper...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Me? Procrastinate?

If there were one thing I could get a PhD in it would be "How to Procrastinate."  I'm notorious for putting things off until the last minute and somehow I assume I'll accomplish a miracle and get whatever task is before me done.  I'm so good at procrastinating that even my babies all arrived late.  I've been putting off blogging because I wanted to try and figure out how to add page tabs to my blog, presumably is CAN be done but I don't possess the technical skills to figure it out.  Some blog hosts (I think that's the correct term) have templates that allow or have pages but I wasn't keen on starting over.  I wanted some way to organize my ramblings, have different pages for kids, weight loss, homeschooling, parenting (You know, because I have ALL the answers.) gardening, Navy spousedom, etc...  Then the solution, an oh so simple solution, came to me.  Labels.  I have a standard set of labels for what I talk about regularly and then, using a widget, create a label "cloud" and it's as good as having a tabbed page.  Ta da!!!

That being said, I'm going to go procrastinate about creating a schedule and routine for my life to get things like my exercise and eating back where it needs to be.  I also need to get militant with the tiny humans, they thrive on routine and I'm not providing it well enough right now.  One thing this Professional Procrastinator needs is accountability, I'm self aware enough that I know I'll have a close to impossible time reaching my goals without it.  Ah, more to figure out, I'm gonna go watch TV now...

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